Dear, Friend

Oct 10, 2008 08:28

Dear friend,

I have so many questions and emotions because of the past week.  I thought it would be a good idea to write them in a letter to you.  We missed you in class on Tuesday.  You always add such interesting comments to our class discussions.  On Thursday I was surprised to see you absent again.  When Dr. M.  announced at the start of class that you had been in a terrible car accident many things raced through my brain.  I knew that on Monday the University lost power and the computer system was also down all over campus due to a utility pole being knocked down.  Dr. M went on to explain that you had hit the pole and were in very bad shape in the Intensive care unit, unconscious and possibly brain damaged.  You may lose a leg too because you were ejected from the car on impact and the car then landed on you.  I thank God that a fellow student, who is an EMT was nearby.  Dr. M. said you would not be alive if the EMT was not present at the accident scene.

I wonder friend.  Were you speeding?  What caused the accident?  Will you recover?  Will I ever speak to you again?  I have known you only as a fellow classmate, yet I am deeply sadden by your tragedy.  Dr. M asked us all to pray for you.  I will keep you, the family and your care givers in my prayers.  You are such a bright light.  I pray that you continue to shine.

God Bless you friend, in love and light,

John ( I sit two rows ahead and to the right of you in social theory)

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