I'm sick of rumors starting...

Jan 29, 2009 17:04

Oh no they didn't reached LJ's 16.5 MILLION comment limit and doesn't work anymore. Crazy. LJ is working to fix it, and I hope they do soon, because it is one of the only gossip sites I still let myself go to. I decided for the new year that I would go to fewer gossip sites (also as a way to avoid virus-infested ads and graphics) and ONTD is really the only place I go. What will I do now?

Interesting article on Facebook "unfriending" in today's NYT. Less interesting is how SLOW that site is for me now. Sometimes the little logo just spins and spins while waiting for page 2. So I should tell you that I haven't read page 2 of this article. I am making an assumption that it's interesting. I may be wrong.

The Fug Girls have ideas for saving Ugly Betty - I had never watched the show until Lindsay Lohan guest starred, but I watched those episodes. Honestly, I thought America Ferrara's character was annoying, in particular, her voice is annoying. Which is odd, because I liked her in the Traveling Pants movie. But then the management of Ugly Betty, or someone, put out rumors about LL being late to set and smoking too much and having too many friends on set, and basically saying she's unprofessional, and that made me mad. (My inner Lilo fan has emerged over past year - I guess it was always there, starting with how adorable she was in The Parent Trap) So I find myself feeling a bit gleeful that Ugly Betty is struggling, because perhaps if they'd been nicer to Miss Lohan, they wouldn't be in trouble now. I know, I know, logic is absent from that argument.

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