BSG: reactions to Guess What's coming to Dinner

May 17, 2008 13:30

Thoughts about how the Hybrid's words from past episodes can be interpreted in light of Guess What's Coming to Dinner.

"Thus will it come to pass. A dying leader will know the truth of the Opera House. The missing Three will give you the Five who come from the home of the Thirteenth. - The Hybrid in Faith

  • In GWCTD, Gaeta's singing turns sickbay into an opera house. People come to sickbay to listen to him sing. Kara goes there to tell Roslin she knows the visions are real. And so, in the sickbay opera house, Roslin knows that her visions are telling the truth about something - but she doesn't know what.
  • Her decision to go to the basestar, and the Hybrid's not-unsurprising "Jump" command means that the missing three can now be interpreted two ways. D'Anna is the actual missing Three from the cylon perspective. From the Galactica perspective, Roslin, Baltar and Helo are the three missing from the fleet. And somehow they are going to know who the fifth is as a result of being on the basestar. Will something about their knowledge lead them to not want to share it when they return?

  • "And the fifth, still in shadow, will claw toward the light, hungering for redemption that will only come in the howl of terrible suffering." - The Hybrid in Razor

  • Is Gaeta the fifth cylon? Is this why in GWCTD, so much time was spent on Gaeta's injury, amputation, and singing as a way to handle suffering? His singing was much prettier than a howl, but maybe the pain gets so intense it leads toward howling later? Watching, I thought maybe Gaeta was going to die and this was his swan song, but could he be the fifth Cylon? Is he seeking redemption for what he did on New Caprica, and then for perjuring himself at the trial?
  • I have to admit, Gaeta as the fifth cylon is less exciting than it being Roslin or Starbuck. But it is clever in that it uses a familiar character, one we care about, but not one who is SO known that new actions will be contradictory to previously established storylines.

  • Other random thoughts:
  • Who is the dying leader? I have assumed it's someone in the opera house scene, which means it's either Roslin, a Six, Baltar, an Eight or Hera. Is it the specific Six (Caprica Six?) and Eight (Athena) we see, or any Six or Eight? But maybe it's someone else who isn't in that scene. A different leader, who will die? Maybe Zarek? Or (gasp) Adama?
  • In the opera house scene, when Roslin and Athena (who I always think of as Sharon, I can't help it) call out "Hera", it sounds so much like "Kara". Especially from Roslin. Like they are looking for Kara. Are Kara and Hera going to be linked in some way?
  • The bald Faith Hybrid and the bald Roslin kind of resemble each other. Is that foreshadowing that Roslin is going to end up being turned into a hybrid?
  • And what about the chubby baby of Chief and Cally, the other human-cylon? I keep thinking that he and Hera are going to end up as Adam and Eve on earth, alone somehow (everyone dies!), as the two who are both human and cylon. Giving birth to a new race of human cylons. Who somehow then repeat this all again?

  • I love a show that gives you so much to think about. I hate a show that gives you two week breaks followed by months and months of a break. Meanies. I guess that gives me time to find some BSG icons. In the meantime, BSG-fan Dwight will do.

    tv, bsg

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