I hate the Army, I hate the IRS, and I hate Dial up internet (though I can't do much about this one since dial up is the only service my mom can get way the fuck out here). So.....James graduates from AIT in 2 weeks....he's supposed to be allowed to come home the day he graduates. Now they're telling him he might have to stay at Ft. Lee longer to
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Jeff claimed her to get the money. He already had all her info on file because he gets Adam's mother to do his taxes every year so she just pulls up his file and everything is there. Jeff provided....maybe 20% of her support last year, if even. I paid at least 25%, and the rest was James....so technically, James should have claimed her, but he didn't, so I was going to. Now I have to prove all of this to get my return. Without claiming Bree, I get $83.....if I claim Bree, I get $803....yeah, bit of a difference there.
lol She actually has an orange face. And and orange toe on her left front paw. And the back half has lightened to a dark grey. She's a very interesting looking kitten. I'll have to take pics of her once I can take her home. I still need to find a name for her. Mom named hers Patrick and Seamus, so I need to find a good Irish name for mine lol
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