I notice, I notice, many many things that look alike.

Mar 02, 2007 22:05

I just watched a 20/20 special on ABC that had the title, "Does Everybody Have a Double?" The segment was about a French Canadian photographer who is almost obsessed with finding look-alikes and taking pictures of them, to study how their faces are similiar, or different.

I can understand his fascination, for I, too, find it rather interesting to know that I might have a double around my hometown.. As does my mother.. But, that's another story. One that I'm not too sure of all the facts.

My doppelganger was first spotted at a local DQ Grill and Chill by my family. Of course, I wasn't there to see this phenomenon, and when they got home to tell me about it, they said, "She looked just like you, Kat! She even moved like you. It was a little freaky."

After that, I entertained the thought of having a twin, but only for a little while before it was forgotten, pushed to the back of my mind by other things that were happening in my life.

That is, until recently. I was asked at my job if I "was an Olsen girl" by one of the tables I was serving. I replied, "No, but I'm told I have a twin running around somewhere." They went on to exclaim that I look just like someone they know.. Or one of her daughters.

The name was a complete loss for me, as I don't recall ever meeting any 'Olsens', much less being related to some. But, the idea is intriguing to think about.

What if, you came across your twin, whom you had never met before.. I'm not talking like the TV show, "Sister, Sister" with actual twins meeting up after being separated at birth.

I'm talking about a complete stranger, looking just like you, without any easily traced family ties. That's what this photographer set out to do, find these people that looked not quite the same, but startlingly alike. So much so that they could be mistaken for each other by even close friends.

What I wonder is how I'd react if I ever did meet this double of mine? Would it be just like the whole "faker" routine that Sonic and Shadow did in SA2, or would it be denial?

The article says that, and I quote,
Even if the resemblance to your double is flattering, Brunelle says, it can trigger a little earthquake in your ego. Your sense of identity is shaken. Some people contacted by Brunelle have refused to be photographed when they learn they have a double.

"I think they say no because they don't want to be facing another person that's like them," said Brunelle. "For them it's too much to ask."

I've always felt that my identity, at best, has always been lost in the people that are around me. "You're her sister, aren't you?" or "Are you his/her daughter?" are all too common questions for me. I don't feel that I've actually established my own identity, not as of yet, anyway.

What I wonder, is if that would change if I met my look alike.. Would I be influenced by her life? Would I be influenced to follow the paths that she followed, like in a career choice or in other things that I'm still really undecided on concerning my future.

I don't know.. And I guess I won't, not until I get to test my.. theories, I guess you could call them.. Speculations, at best.

Maybe even just the thoughts of a daydreamer.

Ah.. Time I went to bed.

Ja ne~

Kat Logging Out


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