Jan 17, 2015 11:44
I'm sick. Nothing major, just a sore throat with a heavy cough, but anything that makes it harder to breathe is 'too-sick' to do anything exciting. I was invited to an Ingress build today: Bailing on that. There's a potluck for Harish (freshly back from India) at HQ tonight: Probably bailing on that, too.
I was sick last weekend, too. Went to a Saturday Breakfast, got home around 5pm and slept until 8 the next morning. Both times, I was perfectly fine (or fine enough) the week before. It was only on the weekend that My Body was sick enough to incapacitate me. I joke that it's because my body is patiently waiting for the weekend so my sickness doesn't interfere with the work my brain really wants to do. Wouldn't be surprised if there was some psychosomatic function doing just that; bodies are weird, yo.
Speaking of work: Yesterday was our last day in the Cupertino office. We're moving from a tiny, humble office in the prestigious city of Cupertino (just down the road from Apple) to a giant office in the tiny, humble city of Campbell (across the street from a Hooters). I admit, it looks less impressive on a press-release, but we _really_ need the room. Mitch started 2 months ago, and he still doesn't have a desk. It just doesn't make sense to hold on to that old office just for the sake of 'being in the heart of Silicon Valley'.
I'll miss being upstairs from the Sheriffs Office, though. I never got used to the shock of turning the corner in our parking lot and seeing a flock of cop cars double-parked and askew. Your gut reaction is "Oh snap! Something's going down!!". Turns out you're right, but what's 'going down' is lunch, followed by a shift-change.
I won't miss sharing a building with those tutoring companies. Those brought high-schoolers into the office, and made the bathrooms a living hell. I hear the ladies rooms were full of gossip about boys catty 'mean girls' drama, none of the sinks available because children were checking their make-up. The mens rooms were a mess: Paper towels everywhere, some of the kids smashed wet towels into giant spitwads, tossing them onto the walls and ceilings to dry. And I HATED the jocks that could never tell a stall was occupied unless they banged on the door (a habit which broke _two_ stalls last summer, one of which is still broken.)
I'll miss the tiny selection of close-by restaurants on De Anza, and I made a special point to visit as many of them as possible this month. Coach House deli (and liquor store) right next door, Viyanna's, who still haven't figured out who to restaurant. Cheap tacos as Los Dos... I made a checklist of the restaurants I wanted to visit before we left: The only one I missed was Chef Ma, the Chinese restaurant in the corner of the converted department store across the street. The chief chef, Ma, left Chef Ma just before I joined. According to my coworkers, the new chef is much worse. But I don't know any different.
New office is in Campbell, near Hamilton & Bascom, right next to the 17 exit. We're ridiculously close to the Pruneyard, and not too far from Downtown Campbell in general, so we'll have our share of restaurants to visit.
I'm also looking forward to playing Ingress after work in Downtown Campbell more often. DTC has a crazy concentration of portals. It's highly walkable, and it's the focus of a lot of action from both sides, constantly flipping colors (but like most of South Bay, mostly green). In contrast, our corner of Cupertino had a few portals, mostly all in one line along De Anza, then down Prospect. You need a car to play, and that takes a lot of the fun out of it... less somewhere to act and more something to poke on your way elsewhere.
Okay, I've reached the point where hunger for breakfast is overpowering malaise and laziness. Hopefully, I'll be able to head out to grab some actual breakfast foods. Otherwise... Well, I think I have a jar of peanut butter somewhere...