Aly sleep = weird shit

Nov 18, 2006 12:57

This morning was interesting. I'm watching a movie with dad, Walking Tall (mostly because The Rock is in it), when mom walks in, home from her trip to Port Aransis, and asks me if I printed the map for her.
I gave her a dumb look. "What map?"
"The map you said you'd print up for me this morning."
I blinked several times. "Huh??"
"Hon, you told me this morning on the phone when I called you around 8."
"I slept until 10:30 when dad woke me up..."
Mom looked incredulous. "You picked up the phone and held a conversation with me. You don't remember any of that??"
"No..." I was getting weirded out. Is this a form of sleep-talking? When you pick up the phone and hold a frikkin conversation in your sleep?!
She laughed. "I even asked you what dad was doing. You said he was listening to music. You responded to me. I mean, you sounded groggy like you'd just woken up, but you said you would definitely print that map to Vaughan's Funeral Home for me. You even asked me how to spell it."

Okay, so that interaction happened about an hour ago. After much thinking about it, I do recall the name Vaughan, because when I was watching the movie Walking Tall with dad, and the guy's last name came up as Vaughn, I was like "I remember that name from somewhere... where did I hear that name?"
But apparently that's all that remained in my memory from the sleep-conversation I had with mom.

I've done this sleep-conversation thing before, but I never actually answered the phone and did it! Usually the ringing wakes me up, or I just don't answer.




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