Aug 11, 2019 12:51
I didn't forget that I have a DW account (or even a LJ account) but I have been avoiding both - I think I just miss when people connected using one of those? I don't know, I don't have a good excuse!
I am, however, trying to get back to being on here again. I've been writing and reading and working and while I love that I'm part of group chats, etc. with writers in fandoms I'm more interested in (and I joined VM Discord after the shitshow that was season 4), I miss the sense of community that used to be so easy to find on LJ and DW.
Then, when going through old jump drives, I found a BSC snark that I'd done and I wandered over to LJ to check it out and saw that everyone had pretty much migrated to DW and I said to hell with it. Let's get back to DW. Maybe a bit of LJ because I know there's still some fandoms that are more over there than on DW.
Meanwhile, I'll keep on writing - no matter how slow updates might be sometimes! I'll keep on reading.
And I'll be trying to get RL back on track because while it's not off the rails at the moment, it's definitely not where I want it to be and a lot of that has been on me. So. Time to work on that.
real life