fridayfiver 1. At the end of today, do you think you'll feel spent or refreshed?
Spent. It's been a long day already and I didn't sleep well. I won't do a thing tonight.
2. Do you like back rubs?
I do if they know what they're doing which isn't always the case.
3. When did you last mislead someone?
I'm not in the business of misleading people. I value honesty and I think you could say I'm pretty straight-forward.
4. What color are your eyes?
A very light blue.
5. Friday fill-in:
Lastly, let me know when I can expect enlightenment.
thefridayfive Imagine you are on your deathbed. Recommend to those who remain in your life...
1) One book to read.
Can't pick just one.
"Contact" by Robert Zemeckis.
And the "Autobiography of Malcolm X", by Malcolm X. It's one of the bios that impressed me the most and I think there's an important message contained within that actually goes above and beyond race and religion.
And about 50 others.
2) One movie to watch.
Well, since I'm dead, I'd want them to watch some films that examine the topic in some way.
"Till Human Voices Wake Us" (2002)
Starring: Guy Pearce, Helena Bonham Carter Director: Michael Petroni
"The Sheltering Sky" (1990)
Starring: Debra Winger, John Malkovich Director: Bernardo Bertolucci
"Paris, Texas" (1984)
Starring: Harry Dean Stanton, Sam Berry Director: Wim Wenders
3) One food to eat.
Anything that can be found here
ethnic_cuisines. International food is your friend. Don't limit yourself.
4) One place to go.
ONE? Haha, with my background, that's impossible to answer. Again, don't limit yourself. Move about the earth freely and frequently.
5) One life lesson to leave behind.
DO NOT STAY IN ONE COUNTRY ALL YOUR LIFE. Make your own standards. Don't just do what others expect of you. Be open to differences, learn from them. Don't spend your life working your butt off for companies that won't even remember your name when you're gone. Examine your interior, you might learn something. Expand your horizons, always, constantly. Read. Travel. Live. Learn.