From the
1. Do you usually bring lunch or buy it? Why?
Make or buy. I've been trying to cut down on eating out, it's healthier to make your own food and that way you know what actually goes *into* it. That said, I often have to force myself to eat at regular times.
2. Do you usually eat lunch with people? Why or why not? Would you like this to be different?
I sometimes have lunch with staff or clients but usually will venture out by myself, prepare something, or skip it altogether and just snack on something at the desk {yes, bad}.
3. What's your favourite thing to eat for lunch? Favourite place to go or thing to do?
Entirely depends on my mood. Generally I tend to like Asian food as it's less heavy for midday. Sandwiches and salads are good too - but I like some stuff added to my salad {like nuts, dressing, grilled chicken, shrimps...}
4. What was lunchtime typically like for you as a child?
Typically at home, Mom's cooking, grandma's cooking, or that of housekeepers in the years we lived in other countries.
5. Tell us about a memorable lunch experience you've had.
So many of them were memorable.
From the
1. Do you like looking at stars?
Yes. =) I'm a nightowl and certified lunatic and therefore love the night sky.
2. Who do you say "I love you" to?
My significant other when I have one.
3. Did you say "good night!" to anyone last night?
Yes, the guy I'm dating and some friends who are visiting from Europe.
4. When is the last time you felt blue?
Hm, it's been a while.
5. Tell us one of your dreams:
Visiting every country in the world at least once. According to that map thingy that goes around, I'm 43% done.
From the
1. What was the most sick that you've ever been?
I'd rather not get into that.
2. What disease are you afraid of getting?
Cancer. Like everyone, I suppose.
3. Are you a big baby when it comes to taking medicine/shots for your illnesses?
No, even though I *despise* pills and avoid taking any if I don't absolutely have to. I don't believe in pill popping as it just covers up the symptoms for the most part. I'm very interested in learning about natural cures, alternative approaches to illness, nutrition and so on.
4. Is going to the doctor really THAT bad?
Not if you know you're healthy and it's just a routine check. I can still think of more fun things to do with your free time.
5. Would you have the flu twice a month if you were paid $1,000 for having it?
No thanks. Being sick sucks.