So who was it that thought, "hey, I think I'll put some wheels on this two by four..."

May 20, 2007 21:33

...and see how many people are mortally injured trying to become mobile on it? Hmmm...we'll call it a skate board!"

Yea so not much phenominal has happened since I last wrote, work is going well still, and like I figured, the outing went fine and I had nothing to worry about.  That's always how it is, but I am a worry wart and will make myself sick over something that isn't a big deal.  Now I just hope that Diane (my boss) didn't get a bad impression of me that I am scared to do anything, and won't let me try stuff anymore...look, there I am worrying again!

So, now to explain the beginning.  Have you ever tried a skateboard? It is seriously hard and hecka dangerous I have found, and that is an expert, hands on opinion.  I have slipped on them before, and have noticed how unstable they are, but today takes all.  The McKay's (my summer family <3 ) had some family over to celebrate Karen (the mom's) birthday.  As they are all leaving, after being there for several hours hanging out and eating, Pat (the dad) kicks a skateboard toward me and says "Now come on Alison, I want to see you go to the end of the driveway on this thing.  That's all, only to the end of the driveway."  Now I know it's hard but I am trying to be fun and open to new things so I hop on and (try to) take off.  I go a little ways, almost fall, but ultimately lose momentum before getting very far in my quest to the end of the driveway.  So I pushed off with my foot again, harder now, because I am braver from the success of the first attempt and want to really do it.  But when I pushed off, the skate board went backwards (without me), and apparently from eye-witness accounts, I was horizontal in the air for several seconds before landing face down on the pavement.  Now keep in mind that this happend in about a tenth of the time it took you to read it, if that. It wasn't slow, it was like whip, BAM and with all that speed and velocity that I put into that push with my foot.  O man, it hurt.  I lay there for a while, everyone rushing up to see if I am oky, mentally checking to see if anything is broken or missing.  Then I realize I can't breathe because I knocked the wind out of me landing face down on the pavement.  So the whole family is standing around, helping me up, and I can't talk to say that I am oky becuase I can't realy breathe.  Then when oxygen comes back, I am simultaneously laughing my butt off at myself, and crying really hard because I really hurt.  So I still couldn't answer any questions.  I was in that sobbing/laughing thing for like 5 minutes, in front of all of these people.  Then once I stopped laughing, the real tears came even more from the pain.  It was quite an event.  I landed hardest on my right hand (which is fine, tiny scratch), my left elbow, (also fine, little bit bigger scratch) and my left hip (which still hurts most of the time like I JUST fell)  The other body parts were checked right then by bystanders but it wasn't until later that I was able to look at my hip in the bathroom.  It's quite a sight, I am only sad I can't show it off.  I will have to give an update tomorrow or something because like I said, right now it still, several hours later, hurts like I just fell. And actually I just noticed that sometimes the pain travels down my leg or up to my whole hip structure.  Also I have a headache. Moral: BOO skateboards!
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