I am Strength
Strength represents patience and compassion. Getting angry is easy when events turn sour, but dealing calmly with frustration takes great strength. So does accepting others and forgiving mistakes. We need strength to mold situations softly. The Chariot controls through mastery and authority. Card 8 is more subtle, even loving. Notice how the lion (itself a symbol of strength) is being guided and tamed by the woman's gentle hands.
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Odd, but appropriate. New meme, yes?
Oh, and I'm loving Audiography... I just wish I had gotten off my ass sooner so I could have gotten all of the mash-ups. Just have to ask Rachel if she can give me the files. -_o; Still, yay for obscure foregin language ballads. Does Alli have more Cold Fairyland maybe? hmm.
Oh, and it looks like shipping out for camping will be delayed untill tommorrow. (wtf?!) Bleh.
Brother dearest called last night at around 2am, apparently he's reached California in his epic journey. (Current loc: San Deigo) He sounded completely whacked over the phone, apparently the two weeks of traveling and visiting with people have caught up with him. Hopefully he'll recover his brains in time for the con there.
leveL MangaI need a bigger monitor. For a self taught manga artist it's pretty damn good. Kinda, Bosch-like crossed with cyber-punk. Everytime I look at the full page city and landscapes I just want to zoom way in and pick up the way every little line seems to be printed with a woodcut.
The Basic Laws of Human StupiditySinfest: Revenge of the Pimp" Well, if there isn't anything happening now... BED TIME! Yay! 'Cause last night was one of those; close eyes, open eyes, it's morning now? Did I go to sleep or was there a time jump?