Oh Look another sweater.

Jan 19, 2017 21:37

So its a bad sign when I’ve just cast on the body of my Ommegang and am already itching to cast on another sweater. It’s not my fault! It’s the KAL.  The KAL runs until March 1st. So I want to finish Ommegang then get started. I have just started on the body of the sweater so I should be good on that front.

So two skeins of Miss Babs in Mayhem and Blarney Stone, will be turned onto the Honey Pullover. I got the two skeins to make a striped sweater pattern to be determined when I bought the pattern, but I was thinking narrow stripes.

And the Honey Pullover is just that, with a KAL co-hosted by Voolenvine and This Old Knit.  That was mostly what I was thinking, I’m not sure how I feel about the pockets, but I have plenty of knitting to do before I get to it seeing as its a top down knit.

This will actually be my second ever fingering weight sweater, though I do have the yarn for another and, the pattern chosen for that, stripes gone crazy. So this will be a mini sweater adventure. One that  I am looking forward to. I just have some cables to finish first!


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