Sweater no# 2

Sep 28, 2016 12:42

So I’ve been progressing on Kitra in my skein of Empire. Its a top  down  sweater, and my plan is to  knit to the sleeves, knit both sleeves and then knit the body until I run out of yarn or get to Rhinebeck, most likely the former as there is still a lot of knitting to be done.

And it may not look it but I am less than 10 rows from the sleeve division. In theory the sleeves themselves will not take too long, we’ll see, we’ll see. That third sweater though may be like the Emperor’s New Clothes, I mean if I fix that sleeve quirk on bayside that totally counts right? I mean I finished it in Jan, it would be a new sweater for Rhinebeck.

wip, knitting

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