Flame Con

Aug 25, 2016 16:04

Another year another Flame con. I do love a good local reason go go around cosplaying.  This past weekend was FlameCon and for the second year running, friends and I donned our costumes and had a blast at the convention.

This year FlameCon was two days and I spent Saturday in costume as,  Storm. I got a ton of art, which will be fun decorating the new apartment with.

There were quite a few of my fellow X-men wandering around including a few Storms.

It did inspire me to set a few rules, no finishing my costume the night before. I’m sure if you follow me on Instagram you saw the posts Friday night of my construction adventures. The costume still looks pretty good for running out of bias tape, and time if I am honest, but my plan is to rework some bits, and wear it to NYCC, since I am only going that Friday.  Long term, I’m looking forward to working on the V2 of the boots.


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