Long Island Fleece and Fiber Festival

May 17, 2016 17:16

This past week was the annual Long Island Fleece and Fiber Festival.  I think this is the fourth year I have gone.  A bus is organized every year, and drives from near  Grand Central to  Hallockville. So this year we headed out, for a day for fiber, wine, and some great info on natural dyeing. *Buys Avocados.

Its a small festival, but I always seem to discover a new to me dyer, or vendor at the show. And heading across the street for lunch at the vineyard, is a fun tradition. The bus even gives us coupons for a tasting, if we want to hop across the street. Who doesn’t want a glass of wine or four after petting sheep.

The festival seemed a little smaller this year, but that didn’t really seem to stop me from picking up some yarn, fiber, fabric, and wine…

Some shepherdess salve from Long Island Livestock, Fiddle knits yarn, and some Groovy Hue Fibers.


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