Quarterly Update

Apr 08, 2016 15:11

Time seems to be flying, and plans are changing, but I’m still as usual mindful of my goals in general and am a bit surprised to see that I have been making progress even if it doesn’t always feel like I am giving enough time to my crafting life.

But general life is also changing so i’m adding to the goals.  I’m moving this summer, so that’s a big thing that has to be planned and organized.  Especially as a crafter.  There are a lot of things to pack and move. Have I mentioned I have a lot of books? I mean a lot of books.

Knitting Goals

1. Year of the Sweater- One Sweater every two months *finger crossed*  - Royale started body is about 3″ right now.

2. A pair of socks - A girl can dream -I have joined the box of sox kal in a hope for additional motivation.

Spinning Goals

1. Learn supported spindling

2. Get a supported Spindle and bowl

3. Spinning down the fiber stash or at least spin more than I take in.   Well I added a little to the stash at VKL but have quite a few spindles in progress so maybe? I haven’t finished anything yet  but have five or six projects going right now.  So that would be staying on track sorta.

Sewing Goals

1. Finish my Dress

2. Sew some new bag styles

3. Learn some new skills

4. Sew more in general

Shop Goals

1. Continue to grow the inventory (I’d like to add notions and other sized bags to the shop as well)

2. New Logo (More a new take on the current owl than a full revamp) - Have contacted an artist and everything!

3. A couple more craft shows, still looking for the holiday market that fits

4. Better tracking of things to make 2016 taxes easier.

Life Things

1. Organize Stashes (Fabric, Yarn, Fiber, Beads)

2. Go through the wardrobe and donate/trash clothes - First round done

3. Donate some books

4. Pack

5. Move

12 in 2016

1. Captain America Baby Blanket  - Done! Gifted

2.  Another large wrap shawl like Color affection

3.  Luxury Handspun Hat Continued

4. Stonecutter

5. Handspun Mitts - Mixed with Mithril


6. A chunky cowl

7. A heirloom lace shawl

8. Double my memories blanket

9. A mystery KAL

10.  Handspun Hat (Still at the spinning stage)

11.  Bring back Christmas Gift Knitting

12. Christmas Ornaments

lists, knitting

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