All the Colors

Jan 27, 2016 21:12

So we know adult coloring books are a thing. All the rage, and you can play with a lot of fun themes. I haven’t really done it because whenever it crosses my mind none of the books I see are something that I want to work on or, I have 65664r54 deadlines and can’t imagine doing it yet and put it off until a more free time. Shall I tell you about the video games collecting dust waiting for that  more free time?

So sometimes its your friends that get you started. Because how can I turn that down? Tolkien’s World, is precious to me. And then I opened the book and they really mean it.  I may have giggled when I saw the page for Feanor. And some of you totally get how nerdy that makes me. But there are also some old favorites like the Steward of Gondor.

Or the defeat of the Witch King of Agmar by Eowyn. I am looking forward to tackling this. I just am torn on if I should use the giant pile of colored pencils I have or order some markers. I’m leaning towards the markers. But while I waffle and delay it means I haven’t started anything, and this was a Christmas present.

I’ll get to it. Eventually, its too cool not to do.


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