The Difference a Day Makes

Jan 20, 2016 12:15

Yesterday I was knitting on the baby blanket following a pattern I have used and altered before. It was slow going, I didn’t like the look of the increases and then I remembered I was working in acrylic and not superwash and blocking would do so very little.  I searched around and settled on the pattern for A little Old Fashioned.

This pattern actually calls for knitting the star and then sewing it into place; so I am working on the the center circle which is going very quickly and more importantly much neater than the other pattern.

Just look at the difference in progress. I only pulled the DPNs out so I could work on the start of the blue circle and quickly made my way to a much larger circle in much less time.  I have about 3 more increase rounds before I get to the first color change.  I know I will eventually have hundreds of stitches per row, but if it keeps going this fast I may be able to add a sweater to the gifts for this little one before I move on to the next baby project.


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