Piles in Progress

Jan 07, 2016 14:46

I am planning to do the Clean Slate challenge hosted by the Just One More Row podcast.  I have done it before though I didn’t last year I don’t think. There are some needles I want back, and there are some projects that are just too close to being done or just SHOULD be done by now.

First up, I have seven days to finish Bayside by my deadline. I have likely 6″ of the first sleeve left. Knit night tonight’s goal is to finish the sleeve and maybe start the next. I want to wear this on the 16th for VKL. But I will be working the day job right until that, so I have one more weekend to work on it other than after work time.

Next up is Featherweight, mostly because I don’t want to put it aside for ages. So I want to pick it back up soon.  Just the sleeves and border left, and I have found my DPNs. Granted they are in Bayside now but it means they will be free soon.

Those are the only projects that I have even the vaguest plan of order.  Next up in no particular order.  My thrummed mittens, Hermione’s Everyday socks,  a cowl design that shall be ripped and reworked with more stitches, my Follow Your Arrow 2 shawl, and the long unfinished Bloomery.


There are some other WIPs that are floating around the apartment, those oft ignored christmas socks, those other socks (from 2011), and things I’m sure I’ll keep forgetting until I see them.

wip, knitting

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