2015 in Spinning

Jan 05, 2016 12:50

My 2015 in spinning could likely be summed up as In Progress. For whatever reason I have a lot of started spinning projects but other than samples much fewer finished spinning projects.

The loop batt was my biggest completed spinning project since I had finished the loop bat for my Hitchhiker a few years ago. Perhaps I’m overdue for a spinning wheel. Okay I know I’m overdue, I even decided what kind of wheel I want ages ago. We’ll see what what the year brings I guess.

So the first is the spinning project i started in January last year is right there on the right. The spindle you may notice does not have red fiber on it? Yeah… I started spinning the Paco Vicuna that I got at Rhinebeck to be part of the luxury handspun hat. I’m spinning, it as fine of humanly possibly, and I had just filled the spindle so I switched it over.  I really have no spinning loyalty, Sigh.

I also have started spinning my Draco fiber from Hobbledehoy on my TurtleMade spindle,you can see i have gotten very far.

And we have some of the ice dyed fiber from Gourmet Stash. And as per usual there are a couple of spindles that I know are holding fiber but I don’t know where they are. Like I think my Aaron’s Make Stuff spindle has a project on it. And my Mini Turtle Made.

So along with spinning down the fiber stash, I think finishing the spinning projects I am working on would be good!


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