Learning New Crafts

Dec 20, 2015 15:17

Yesterday, I signed up for a class,Introduction to Embroidery: Making a Sampler with Brooklyn Brainery. I’ve taken a couple classes there before but this was the first class I had taken to learn a craft.

So I have added the basics of embroidery to my crafty gauntlet.  We learned 8 stitches over the course of the class. Running Stitch, Back Stitch, Split Stitch, Chain Stitch, Stem Stitch, Blanket Stitch, French Knot, and Couching. I worked from right to left though Couching is where that is most clear as the second set of stitches in orange.

What shall I do with my new basic skills in embroidery? No idea but there will be an intermediate class in the new year and it could be fun. So if anyone wants to start sharing embroidery projects and patterns I’m all ears.


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