WIPW: Heatwave Pumpkin Ale

Jul 29, 2015 09:40

What better time to start a sweater than at the start of another heat wave? Probably any other time. But I have once again been bitten by the start something new bug. So I decided to make a Pumpkin Ale out of the blue sweater worth of yarn I purchased on Black Friday.

Partly because the office/guest/craft room remains an impenetrable fortress of heat during weather like this. The new furry member of the apartment acts more like a puppy than a cat which means the door to the room must remain shut and not share the A/C from the living room. So sewing and beading are pretty much out for the rest of the week.  Clearly this means cast on a sweater…

This is going to be an adventure as the last multiple day heat wave coincided with when I had planned to focus and finish my Bayside sweater. Granted this one is currently much smaller, and there will be no alternating skeins so much less wool to cover me.  I may come out of the other end with some progress. I also realized that I actually can have and use three Rhinebeck sweaters this year. I will be vending Friday night at the Indie Untangled Rhinebeck Trunk Show, so what better reason to add another sweater or two to the pile with Rhinebeck deadlines.  I think this means I should also get working on my Alta which I swatched for ages ago. But never cast on as the swatch was way way way off.

So surprise goal, or semi surprise goal I want, three new sweaters done by Oct. 15th. That’s 77 days or 11 weeks. Bayside is past the halfway point, as I did add a few more inches to the body before I decided it was much to hot to work on.  I think I am 6 inches from the edging then would need to add sleeves.


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