Long Island Fleece and Fiber Wrap Up

May 21, 2015 15:26

So two weeks after MDSW I was on the bus to the Long Island Fleece and Fiber Festival.  Well the plan to got go to LIFFF had been established in February while MDSW was in April. It totally made sense at the time. Plus LIFFF is a small festival across the street from a vineyard.  I always enjoy going even in some rain.

I did not get a ton of stuff this year but I did discover a new to me dyer.  Witch Candy were I made my only yarn purchase. One skein of LiteBrite.  A small two ounce bit of cheviot roving from Painting Box Fibers. A bottle of red wine from  Martha Clara vineyards. And a couple yards of fabric, that will be put aside for now, now that I know my sewing machine is decorative.

A very small take away. It was bound to happen at some point. There was plenty more I could have grabbed, but I did just go to Maryland. And I am still in the middle  of spinning the loop rainbow I grabbed from there.

And here is a mini preview for tomorrow’s shop update. It will be around 7pm EST.  There will be skeins everywhere!


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