Jan 03, 2015 19:37

Kristin aka Voolenvine, of the Yarngasm podcast is hosting  a spin and knit along.  The point of the SPA-KAL is to spin a shawls worth of yarn and then knit it.  I know I can do this, I have spin a shawl’s worth of yarn before.  My handspun  hitchhiker is an example.

My purple and green two ply is another example. So clearly I am capable of spinning a shawl’s worth of yarn from 4oz. Knitting it is a bit more difficult. Or I should say finishing it is a bit more difficult.

So for the first new spinning project of the year I have gone with a chain ply and will be spinning all the red then all of the grey black.

Four months to get a finished shawl.  We can do this.


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