Dec. Shop Update: Werewolves and Argents Oh My

Dec 19, 2014 15:37

About 90% of this update was inspired by Teen Wolf (not the 80s movie but the MTV show).  It’s fun in its own way. And has some amusing rules and mythology running through it. If you like wacky supernatural shows based around teenagers who are worried about sports, grades, werewolves, druids, significant others, hunters, and people who just won’t stay dead, give it a look see. I watched the first two seasons on Netflix and never looked back. Now on to the update.

Okay and some Harry Potter, because I never stick to one fandom completely in an update.

Always and Hogwarts Express Earrings

Teen Wolf - Allison Argent Earrings and Chris Argent Earrings

Alpha Werewolf Earrings and Wolfs bane Stitch Markers

And a couple restocked items: Swirling Leaves Stitch Markers and Tardis Earrings


Next update is up in the air a bit with some news I will share shortly.


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