WIPW: Rounding Out Q3

Oct 01, 2014 12:14

How goes the progress on 12 in 2o14?  And the Goals for 2014? Pretty darn good.

1. I frogged the Flintshire since I had no idea what row I was working on. Seemed like the best plan of action. The yarn is waiting, and since I have decided to either make sweaters or hats, its a good time to pick  it back up.

Artichoke French

3. Alta I have been working on sweaters I have the yarn for. So this has been put to the back burner until I buy the yarn for it. I have five sweaters worth of yarn not on the needles and none would work (sock weight, bulky) But - Rocky Coast and Down East means progress right?

4. A project with sparkle yarn

5. Handspun Socks - Still spinning

6. Pendulum Shawl

  Bowties are cool

8. A pair of socks ….

Finish Color Affection

10.  Finish Bloomery er…

11. Wurm

Finish Spinning Blue Fiber

Bonus: Knit items from books I own:

  1. Artichoke French

Sub bonus? Knit from patterns I own:

  1. Rocky Coast  (also 2013 goal!)
  2. Bayside


  1. More Festivals/Shows/Conventions (Last year was, Rhinebeck, Hallockville, VKL (NYC), & NYCC) I’d like to do all those again and add MDSW, and maybe Stitches East as a day trip.  No Maryland but maybe Stitches East will still happen. So Stitches East is the same weekend as NYCC, The Kings Fiber Festival, and the New York Yarn Crawl. Geez.

  2. More Sweaters - Two done two on the needles

  3. More Designing -
  4. More Spindles - May have a Rhinebeck plot….
  5. More Spinning Year of Handspun
  6. Knitting with Handspun. Um…I’m planning to make a hat or two?

  7. More pattern releases (I have so many half done design projects I need to start sharing)

    I’ve been doing a lot more submissions so I’m working towards that
  8. Vacation -  There is talk about doing a weekend in DC.  We got a cottage, I’m counting Rhinebeck.
    Plus I have a bunch of long weekends in October.

  9. Do the holiday knitting for the shop throughout the year - well I am signed up for Christmas in July, even donated a prize. I just need to cast on 
  10. Collaboration   If you went to Knit Dizzney I was in the gift bag. I’m one of the sponsors for the New York Yarn Crawl and have a few prizes out for KAL’s  Who’s doing the Pigskin Party?  I have prizes there.  Not exactly what I had in mind but all fun.

wip, knitting

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