FO: Shark Hat

Aug 08, 2014 08:30

The shark hat is complete after knitting the entire body in one day and putting it aside for weeks.

I don’ t know if I misread something in the pattern or what, but the first thing I had to do was do some alterations to get the red yarn to look like the inside of a mouth.  I picked up all around the hat three rows from where I switched colors,  and knit the ribbing pattern for five rows before following the setup for the ear flaps by binding off all the stitches I wouldn’t use, where I again made a mistake and was off center, I ripped back and used the fin as a center and moved everything over a couple stitches.

I’m not really sure how that was supposed to have this effect otherwise and get rid of the red line that showed on the purl stitches of the ribbing. So once that was done I was torn about actually making teeth. I asked the recipient  and she was for teeth. So I did a crochet chain, and then followed the instructions for the teeth and ended up with a teeth necklace that I attached to the my new lip spacing.

I just have to block the hat and figure out what to do with the remaining 4.75 skeins of this grey yarn. Good shark color…maybe a shark scarf to go with the hat? Or is that a step too far?


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