Birthday Giveaway

Aug 01, 2014 06:11

Shortly, I shall be hitting a birthday milestone. On the 9th I hit the big 30.  I did an epic birthday last year, because I like to buck tradition…really I just thought it it was fun and I wasn’t going to wait a year to put it into effect.

And we all know what birthday’s mean drin presents! And not just for me! You get a present! And you get a present! Uh okay not really but you get the idea.  Everyone does get a discount. Use code BIG30 to get a 15% discount in my Etsy shop until 8/31.

So  what do you get?

  • A WW II Knitting  postcard from the Imperial War Museum
  • A bottle of Soak Celebration
  • A blank notebook - also grabbed in London
  • Lastly a set of markers of your choice (with optional designing chat)

Just leave a comment on this post telling me what you are doing/want to be doing for your next milestone birthday, be it a week, a year, or a decade away. Me? Speakeasy in my neighborhood, and training to be an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. No one is actually surprised right?

Let me know in the comments  I’ll keep the contest open until 8/31. Then randomly draw a winner.  Don’t forget to leave a way to get in touch with you if you win, be it your Ravelry id or email address.

knitting, geekery, etsy

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