If I Had a Million Craft Bucks

Jan 21, 2014 08:47

Coming back from spending a weekend at a yarn event no matter how local, always does leave me with the what would I do if I had unlimited funds.  That and ideas for projects and sometimes designs from the yarn, classes, lectures, fiber, and all else that I have seen. I’m pretty sure there were a couple vendors I would have just thrown money at and left with an entire shelf or two of their product.  Neighborhood Fiber Co. comes to mind.

I also got some fun advice from a couple people when I mentioned my fiber stash size and the fact that I only own drop spindles.  So I may be plotting a Hansen Mini Spinner,this may be a gift to myself in 2015. But it would solve the biggest wheel barrier, space, in a NYC apartment. We’ll see where the year goes. When I plotted out this post a back in December my  thought was that it would mostly be about travel, and a few wild supplies.  Since the caveat I wrote: “What would you do if you had a million dollars but you could only spend it in a craft related fashion?” So it ignores things like work, student loans, rent, etc..

I think I still agree with that assessment. I think the largest chunk of the funds would be flung at, a studio space, supplies for all the crafts I do and want to get into. That would be quite the eclectic space.  Yes that’s the Fabric area, on the left are vintage dresses, the right costumes for cosplay. Knitwear, fiber, beads, I’d likely sneak in some kitchen supplies because why not?

Travel falls into two spaces, I want to go to more events, gatherings, and would like to do a retreat at some point and second, I like to get inspired by seeing places, designs, and even how colors play in nature. One of my favorite parts of my vacation to London when it came to color was the Aquarium at the London Zoo.

Corals and bright daring splashes of color on some of the fish just made me grin.  I’d also like a partner in crime on this wild fun time adventure.  I know there is a knitting cruise and that would be a way to get myself to go on a cruise.   And lastly since there are likely a few hundred thousand left, we can throw in a leave of absence to craft for a few months.

knitting, geekery

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