Instagram: A Year of Sharing

Jan 16, 2014 07:58

I spend a lot of time on Instagram. I’m not sure how that happened, when I first got an Instagram account I posted two photos, as I was traveling in Texas and Arizona for work, I snapped a couple pictures and tried sharing them. It had been so long I had to create a new account.  So 68 weeks ago according to Instagram I posted my first photo as 1Geek2CraftAll.

In those 68 weeks I have posted 537 photos to Instagram, a bit more than one photo a day. Not bad, I have done a few attempts at photos a day lists, and I tend to share, the weird, the interesting, the fun, the tasty, and anything else that catches my eye.  If I am at a festival or convention there will be regular posts from there. Vacation overseas, not so much 3G is pricy guys.

I share what I’m knitting, spinning, cooking, working on in the craft room, even watching. Peeks at what will be happening in the next shop update are common. As well as what I will be eating for the next week, if I am prepping a large meal or three.

And the best part of Instagram is that I get to see what everyone else is doing. I bought the pattern for Ysolda’s Arrow KAL  mostly due to seeing photos in progress on instagam. I’ve chatted with people I may have not ever met without it.  I follow, artist, spinners, knitters, dyers, crocheters, friends, celebrities, organizations, and more. And I get the same slices of life shared by them.

There are a variety of ways that I follow people. After the first rush where you find all your friends and the people you can remember. I also will randomly search a tag and follow interesting posters. People I follow on twitter who post instagram photos usually get my attention if I am not following them already.  Sometimes it is even just fellow commenters on a thread that will catch my attention, be it on purpose or by accident. I have accidentally hit a commenters name instead of ‘view more comments’ then fallen in love with their photos and  added them to my stream.

Even if I do not always comment the like button is great for nodding at the sight of a photo. I also find it great, that I don’t actually follow any pet specific instagram posters for example, but I will see all the furry friends of those I follow and share my  photos of the resident Dame Fluffy.

Instagram falls into the place of mini blog, in a way twitter doesn’t always work for me. The photos don’t hurt in the least either. Instagram is one of my favorite places on the internet in 2013. Let’s see what the new year brings.

knitting, geekery

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