Geek Out Sunday: Podcasts

Jan 12, 2014 14:22

I listen to a lot of podcasts. I have even more that I have downloaded an episode or two but haven’t listed to yet. I listen to podcasts that talk about everything from comics to yoga While crafty podcasts take up the most space, I still have room for TV commentary, history, writing podcasts, news, and advice. Both audio and video podcasts fill up my iPod. I’m always looking for new ones, even if I will take a few months to catch up.

So I thought I’d share a few of the podcasts I listen to, am planning to listen to and see if anyone has any recommendations.

I just pulled open my iTunes so these are in no particular order, and some may not have been updated in ages.

  • Black Nerd Girl  Podcast - this is actually the recording of a live radio cast where people can call in to discuss  the week’s topic, and they regularly have a panel speakers, on a variety of nerdy topics. It’s actually one of the newest podcasts I’m listening to.
  • Craftstash Video Podcast- hosted by Kim, she talks about her adventures in crafting, stashing, and life.
  • Crazy Sexy Geeks Podcasts - Reviews and commentary on geeky media. Comics, movies, books, etc…
  • DownCellar Studio Podcast - As Jen describes it a Knitting, Crafting, and Photography podcast.
  • Just One More Row Podcast - Dana and Britney  chatting about knitting and spinning and things
  • Knit 1 Geek 2 - Karen and Maggie adding a geeky flair to their crafting.
  • Knotty Girls Knit cast 
  • MSNBC Rachel Maddow - I don’t think I need to explain this one
  • Savage Love Podcast 
  • The Nerdist  - Or this one
  • The Bowery Boys  - New York City History
  • TV Knitting Podcast - TV, Knitting, Spinning, and bar time.
  • YarnGasm

While that is not the full list, or even half the list it is a good mix of the podcasts I listen to and always am on the search for new ones.  And piling them onto my iPod for listening later. I still haven’t heard the first two episodes of  Welcome to Nightvale though they have been on my ipod for months.  There is also the smaller list of planning to listen to podcast. Somewhere I have I list of podcasts, I need to check out, but these actually made it to iTunes.

  • Welcome to Nightvale
  • Yarnrasing
  • Knerdgirl Knits
  • Knitmore Girls
  • The Muststash Podcast
  • The Savvy Girls Podcast

So what are you all listening to?

knitting, geekery

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