WIPW: Rainbow Baby Blanket

Sep 18, 2013 10:35

I have been working on the baby blanket almost exclusively when I knit barring one wander where I worked on my currently neglected color affection.  It has grown though not as much as I would have hoped It is currently 16″ long.  The first half is supposed to be 36″ to get a final 36″ by 36″ square. I had been planning to wing it and once the first skein of grey is done switch to the second and start decreasing. I think I was lying to myself.

That is what remains of the grey skein as of this morning. Somehow I don’t think that there will be another ten inches of blanket before the yarn gives up. I hope there will be another repeat or two, for the commute home as I keep forgetting to put the second skein in my bag.

I suppose this is the  downside of  center pull ball, I always default to, “oh I have plenty” to squeezes ball “hmm I will need more soon.” Its a good thing knitting is tomorrow as I will clearly need a third skein of grey.

Well I have gotten to the second rainbow repeat. I should *fingers crossed* get to yellow on my way home tonight.

I’ll be back for Friday’s Etsy update. *Snaps fingers* It’s creepy and kooky, Mysterious and spooky….



wip, knitting

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