12 in 2013

Jan 04, 2013 10:44

12 in 2o13 is not like the 11 shawls in 2o11 it is more a combination stash down and queue down. The Ravelry group is here  and it just seems like a good idea.  So my 12 projects will be hopefully the ones below with the  attached yarn.  These are not in any order and I will randomly choose one each month and  hope the yarn hasn’t wandered off to another project by then.  For example on  Wednesday I cast on #9 the Honey cowl.

1. Bloomery 

2. Adoro 

3. Spin a  Loop Batt

4. Spin Through The Loops Braid

5. Finish Rock Island

6. Finish  Green Purple Spinning Project

7. Rocky Coast Cardigan

8. Koolhaas

9. Honey Cowl

10. Endpapaer Mitts 

11. Sherilyn

12. Finish my Hitchhiker

12 projects over the year.  Here’s hoping I can make this happen. The Endpaper Mitts will be interesting especially since I still haven’t finished the Octopus Mitts. And I have plenty of projects that didn’t make the list, like the Alpaca hat I’m still spinning fiber for, or the poor Lothlorien cape that did not make it to the midnight showing of the Hobbit. And of  course whatever else catches my eye.


lists, knitting

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