2012 Goals Achieved, Now on to 2013

Dec 30, 2012 21:27

Many moons ago 1/1/12 to be exact I posted a short list of goals. So Goals:

- Spinning

- Sweaters

- Gloves


-The usual stash busting

Looking back on that list I did really well. 4 out of 5 hit.

1. Spinning so much spinning

2. Two Sweaters Done

3. Gloves -  silk hankie gloves  and well…we’ll talk about that tomorrow don’t worry it’s cool

4. Socks - um…you can’t win them all

5. Stash Busting  - Also something I will talk about in more detail  later. Almost half my stash yardage wise is gone.

Now for the new year:

1. Double Knitting - I want to do more - both knitting and designing with it in the new year

2. Designing - I put out  3 patterns last year. Can I double that to 6 this year? Will 2013 have a publication possibly?

3. New techniques/skills (last year I learned to spin let’s see what we can get up to this year)

4. Socks - let’s try that again

5. Ever present Stash busting

6. Sweaters - shall we aim for 4?

7. More Hats


lists, knitting

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