31 Posts once again: this time with friends

Dec 17, 2012 13:39

So last year I wrote 31 posts over the month January. We’ve been chatting about the new year and goals on my Ravelry Group  and there has been interest in blogging more, and joining in the 31 posts idea. I plan to put up the topics once again and see what happens  in January.  I spent the weekend doing things like late night photo shoots, and midnight viewings of hobbits.  I didn’t finish my Lothlorien Cape so I wore my Baggins earrings instead.

So knitters, bloggers, friends, anyone want to join me for anther whirlwind ride of 31 posts.  Or any topics you want to throw at me?  Topics that are still forming include, Year in Review, Goals, and Plans, VKL. Join in here or the Ravelry group.

Those would be three pairs of Bowties are cool gloves. Two test knitters have gone through the pattern, and a third was kind enough to join in as a hand model, during a yarn heavy Christmas party.


lists, knitting

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