Adventures in Polymer

Apr 13, 2012 15:48

I’ve been working in Polymer for a while now on various different projects. From a series of earrings based on a the four suits in a deck of cards.

All of which are up in my Etsy shop ready to go.  But I didn’t stop there.  Next came these. I totally blame searching for the Invincibility star on Google for the last post but I’m pretty sure I will be dusting off the DS and rocking out with some Mario.  Right after I finish  A Storm of Swords, hmm it may be a while.

Which are also up in the shop. I love how bright they came out and am just waiting for an excuse to quietly wear my pair and see who notices.

And while not polymer I have been working on a beaded, and silk project for a friend’s wedding which I finally finished and has me really excited. I would post an FO but there may be viewers of this blog who should not be seeing things. Some people call them grooms.  So instead here’s a shot of  supplies and assembly in progress.



geekery, etsy, craft

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