Day 4

Nov 04, 2011 14:54

Today’s Question: When you are writing, do you prefer to use a pen or a computer?

It honestly depends on what I am writing  and what is available. List are something that I love pen and paper for.  There is nothing quite like striking out a completed task or purchase.  I tend to keep a pad near me to make lists at work, and one at home. I do use the notepad app on my iPhone and iPod but mostly I like a good old fashion paper list.

Writing a story, or any other large block of text I do prefer a computer, as it makes the editing process easier and for the most part I will always at some point be moving the information from a hard to a soft copy. This has not stopped me from buying notebooks, but now I tend to use them for things like world build or jotting down plot outlines.

I had a second where I thought that it would not be possible to phrase this question for knitting silly me.

Knitter’s style: When you are writing knitting, do you prefer to use a pen straights or a computer circulars?

I have found that I use circulars or DPNs for everything lately. Even these book marks when I have a perfectly serviceable set of straights collecting dust in their needle case.


So it seems unlike writing I have developed a preference.  Granted I have been knitting a lot of shawls, and my other project is a sweater, but it is much more easy to tuck away circulars as the subway pulls into your stop then worry about dropping stitches on straights.  And you are less likely to elbow your neighbor during rush hour.

Nanowrimo Word count: 7,147

knitting, writing

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