Post Dragon*Con

Sep 07, 2011 16:12

Back from Dragon*Con and its cold and rainy in the city after spending the last few days in 90 - 95 degree weather it was a slap. I took yesterday off and mostly played sloth, even though I woke at 9am.

The Convention was  great fun. The Cyberwonan costume was a hit and makes me want to work some adjustments and wear it again next year.  Which would mean getting a dress form.  But this fellow (Gareth David Lloyd aka Ianto Jones) below, was quite lovely. And highly amused to see my cyber woman the night before.

Also yes  I am wearing a Dalek Print Corset dress.

It was a great five days, Kilts were blown,  engagements made,  booze drunk, and new friends made.  I’m inspired to make tons more costumes and can’t wait to go back next year.  Io9 has posted a bunch of shots from the weekend and I’m even in one of them near the bottom. Are you my mummy?

I even had a few couple hours to make the Ravelry meetup where I met a bunch of lovely knitters. And plots to make a knit track.  On Dragon*Con knitting, I finished a glove that is much too large for me at least, and also finished most of one of the shawls, with the binding off, happening today.


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