Aug 25, 2004 12:16
Well john came over last night for his ring..we talked a bit..then guess who showed up? went ok..Jay let us talk. Thats why i love him,hes so understanding with those type of things.Me and John needed closure an thats what we got.
Before That i hung out with Jen and Jenn at the diner..good times..I like hanging out with just girls. I can be an airhead and its ok with them. I start work so..pumped..then at the same time, i dont want to go because i gotta get up early as hell. I kept trying to give myself a normal sleeping pattern. When i usually go to bed its at like 4 and wake up at noon. Well three nights ago i went to bed at 2:30,and woke up at noon,two nights ago i went to bed at 2,wokeup at noon. Last night i went to bed at 12:30,and i still woke up at matter what i do, i wake up at noon. Tommorow i gotta get up at 6:30 ahh..Oh and tylenol PM dont work..i took 4 last night, and i was still up for like 2 hours after that. Jay said hes going to give me some of his tranqilizers(i butchered that spelling) for insomnia.Hopefully it works.;/