Five Questions & Who Wants Cookies?

Jun 21, 2011 21:47

The five questions meme! So you ask me for five questions, and then I ask you five questions. And we get to know each other better. Simple. (Then you post your answers and shit, and ask if anyone wants questions. That's how this works.)

Also, I made summer squash ratatouille, AND I got new cookbooks. I am looking for vegan cookie testers! zanyrainey, you are a lucky dog. I'm looking for two or three more across the continental U.S.

From annundriel:

1. What are your top five favorite pairings?

Well, I’ve only been in two fandoms, so I’ll choose some pairings I’ve never written, too. Dean/Cas, Jack/Ianto, Jensen/Misha, Aeryn/Crichton, Sansa/The Hound. Hmmm. Also Syd/Vaughn and Monica/Chandler and Jin/Sun. I can’t count, apparently.

2. When did you first get into fandom? Or, if you prefer, what was your first?

Torchwood, right after the second season aired. I lurked for about six months, then signed up for a fic exchange, having never written a lick of fiction before in my life. Heh, I figured - way to guarantee readers! No one’s going to want to read a 20,000+ fic from an unknown name (especially if I put the death knell A/N of “first piece of fanfiction, tee hee, boys kiss each other!” -- don't worry, I didn't write that). And it worked!

3. What is your favorite type of cupcake?

Impossible to choose just one. Maybe it’s the chocolate peanut butter? Am also partial to my chocolate raspberry and my gluten-free strawberry shortcake. Sometimes nothing beats a pumpkin chocolate chip, though. Quick and easy, no frosting, and I can kid myself that it’s healthy b/c of the pumpkin.

4. Where is someplace you would like to go that you have never been?

I have two places I’ve wanted to visit since I was nine years old: Morocco and New Zealand. Some day, baby. Some day. (These two places b/c my Sunday School teacher went to Morocco once and came back and told us about the spice bazaar and it filled my young head w/ thoughts of fantasy and adventure and sand and heat and “the air is full of spices” and I thought my Sunday School teacher was awesome. I think he was Army [we were w/ NATO in Norway at the time] and he was the type of strong family man you wish everyone in the Army was. New Zealand, I cannot lie, b/c I wanted to go to the Nelwyn village and dance. Yeah. Also, beautiful scenery in Willow, which I saw on my 9th birthday.)

5. What do you prefer: summer, winter, fall, or spring?

I think I’ll pick fall. I was born in New England, and fall is magical there. I also am not a big fan of the heat and I hate driving in snow. I think storms are romantic. I love pumpkins. So there you go. Plus, March in New England is the most disgusting thing ever. Blech.

And from obstinatrix:

1. What is your proudest achievement to date?

This is a little embarrassing. I don’t have something definitive to answer. I like that I haven’t given up on my baking business. I graduated college (yay!) but did not finish grad school (boo!). I lost 80 pounds in one year (yay!) but gained about half that back over two years (boo!). I rescued my cat from certain death. I’ll go w/ that one. Yay, Willow!

2. If you could be anything, no restrictions, what would it be?

Female James Bond/Han Solo/Indiana Jones person, w/out any James-Bond-STD’s. I would kick ass and take names, and the ladies and some gents would LOVE me. I’d speak 12 different languages and know jujitsu and karate and drunken boxing. I’d look damn good in a tux. Barring that, I think I might want to be the proprietor of my own bakery. Which I kind of already am, if you consider my kitchen and the card table at the Farmers’ Market a bakery. Would also like to write full-time. So.

3. What is your favourite fanfic of all time?

We Held Gold Dust in Our Hands by amand_r -- though I think of this as more like a novel. It represents a whole lot of things I can’t really put into words for me. I was her beta for it, and the whole process was fucking magical. Amazing, amazing characterizations, and a totally believable, functioning, loving threesome. I learned a lot while beta-ing this, and I’ll probably never have another experience quite like it.

For SPN, I’ll have to go w/ Asunder - I know, everyone loves it. Well, w/ good reason.

4. Tell me what you were like as a ten-year-old.

I was a dork, totally in love w/ Cody Cadenhead, the preacher’s son, and I had glasses and the worst hairdo known to man. Actually, I was growing out the worst hairdo known to man. Picture a mullet w/ a tail. I read a shit-ton of Baby-Sitters Club books and my father’s fantasy novels, and I babysat all the time. Despite being ten. Looking back, I wonder why the hell people left me in charge of their kids in a foreign country (Norway) where I couldn’t drive or speak the language, and I was basically a kid myself. I think in my favor is that I have looked 30 since I was 10. Now I am 32, and I look YOUNG! Ha!! Take that, Bainbridge Scholars!

5. Who is your favourite poet?

I have an answer! My parents just sent me a book of poetry for my bday. It’s by my high school English teacher, John “Uncle Jack” Hitchner. I haven’t read many of them yet, but loyalty, baby. Uncle Jack’s my favorite poet. Introduced me to one of my all-time favorite novels, “A Prayer for Owen Meany,” and would sit at the front of the classroom laughing his ass off as he read us excerpts. Also introduced me to my favorite “literary” book, “Heart of Darkness.” So yay, Uncle Jack!

And in other news, my dinner:

Yes, it was yummy.

And in further news, some cookies:

Vegan Cookies!!

Okay, so I want some cookie taste testers. Here's what I'll be making: snickerdoodles, shortbread w/ chocolate ganache, chocolate crinkles, and sweet potato bars. I'd like people across the States who will tell me A) how long it took the cookies to get there, B) the condition of the cookies upon arrival, and C) how they tasted! zanyrainey will get some cookies, and two or three more people would be faboo. You just have to be willing to give me your name and address in a DM or something.

So that's all she wrote, and I have to get back to my pineapple rightside up cupcakes. Tootles.

meme, cupcakes, flist, pics

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