4 glasses of white zinfadel in, and i kind of love everybody

Mar 19, 2011 17:44

i have also decided that i need to get married. why? you get so much awesome stuff at a bridal shower! for reals, peeps. i want new pots an pans! and grill stuff! so much grill stuff. i also need a) a house and b) a deck and c) a grill. so get right on that internets! woo! i shold probably find someone who loves me and wants to marry me, too. that'd be helpful.

in other news, there is ONE person i do not love. ONE. and it's not really a person, it's a concept. the ad for iphones. i seriously flash rage wen it comes on, i really do. i find it wicked offensive. it's so -- only people who have iphones have any worth. if you don't have an iphone you suck ass. now, sucking ass is not one of my kinks, so i don't want it implied that i suck ass. i should porbably choose a pc way of saying this: the ad says if you don't have an iphone, then you don't have an iphone. which, duh. first, it's stupid. second, it's obvious. and third, the tone makes me want to shove a red hot poker through the announcer's eye. (which is not to say that i think iphones are of the devil and if you have an iphone, then you have an iphone. see what i did there? lol. i crack my own shit up, i swear.)

yeah so the last time i went to a shower and drank a lot of alchol, i told nick how much i loved his writing and how it spoke to me, yo, but i didn't want to read his dissection story. imma just gonna say, blanket statemen to the SPN peeps, i love your writing and your stoires, but i'm not gonna read the incest stories, yo. hey, that came out of left field. as things are wont to do.

i have some cupcakes downstairs, but i am so full!!!!

and finally, i'm at about 13,000 words on my dc_everafter and i have so many more to go!!!! and it's due friday!!!!!!!!! wish me luck!!!!! obstinatrix, you're also posting on friday -- will you let me know if yours has kids? mine has kids in it. i'm a curious cat.

tootles, peeps. gots to go hang w/ the quasi in-laws now!

supernatural, writing, drunk

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