Dean/Cas AU Rec List

Mar 05, 2011 18:03

About a thousand years ago, kriari asked for SPN AU recs for someone who doesn't like AUs. Me, I love AUs. And just as w/ canon-compliant fics, the casefics and the codas and the humorous little interludes, some AUs are utterly fantastic and some suck ass. This here is a list of ones that rocked especially hard! In my opinion. (And they're all Dean/Cas or Jensen/Misha, b/c that's just how I roll, peeps.)

First, Dean/Cas:

Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake by sparseparsley: It's a classic case of mistaken identity, and the sex is really hot, but the two things I love the most about this fic are the strength of Cas and the awesome relationship between Dean & Sam. Their banter sparkles. I loved this fic so much, I went and made peanut butter-pumpkin cake. Guess what? It's yummy. [NC-17]

In Real Life by cloudy_fic: Castiel is the English teacher at the school Sam teaches history at. Dean is a writer who has been sending his stories to an online friend (Castiel) for editing. Sam finds out and realizes that Dean and Castiel don't know each other in real life, but really should. Anyone who's developed any type of friendship w/ anyone over the internet will be able to recognize something in this story. Dean and Cas are adorable here. I especially like Castiel's awkwardness and Sam as the gleeful matchmaker. [R]

Play It All Night Long by janie_tangerine: the rom-com-ish one where Dean hosts a late night radio show, Castiel is a regular listener of his who starts calling one day and ends up calling more often than not and Dean finds himself liking it. This, until one day Castiel calls for not exactly petty reasons (just before Dean's brother Sam is visiting with his girlfriend for spring break) and things get very, very crowdy at his place. He also doesn't know it's just the beginning of it. Also features Gabriel, Chuck, Andy, the Roadhouse crew and a huge amount of music quoted. Especially Bob Dylan. I love how integrated the music is into this story. Music says things the characters can't at times, and conveys emotions they'd hide if they could. This story takes its time developing the relationship between Dean and Castiel so that when they do get together, they have most definitely earned it -- and we've been treated to an amazing journey. [R]

Asunder by rageprufrock: Sam's getting married, and Dean brings Cas as his support system. It's been several years since the brothers have seen each other. The emotions in this story read so true. I seldom cry while reading fic, but when Dean talks or thinks about his brother, I lose it. Every time. And my heart turns to a puddle of goo when he thinks about Cas. Cas here is amazing. Plus, I LOVE Ruby 2.0, and I love her in this. The supporting cast is well-drawn and entertaining. One of the signs of any well-written Dean/Cas fic is the bond between Dean & Sam, and this fic sets a gold standard in that department. [NC-17]

The Voice of the Turtledove by obstinatrix: the one where Cas is a priest and Dean is an altar boy. My summary there doesn't do it justice - that description sounds very salacious, and what I like most about this story is that it is not at all salacious. Dean knows precisely what he wants and who he is, and he's a smart, resourceful young man. Cas goes through a crisis of calling, and I admire that this fic really delves into what that means for him. Lots of angst and sex, and then they both come out at the end all the stronger. I love happy endings! [NC-17]

Kite Songs by ladytelemachus: In which Cas seeks internet notoriety with his controversial views on the latest darling of American fiction, and stumbles across something else entirely. Lots of awesome commas and parentheses in this one, heh! The dialogue really snaps and sizzles, and I love the literary setting. Bonus for an unconventional characterization of Cas that really, really works. [PG-13]

High School/College
The Joy Is in the Process by rhymephile: Sam and Dean are the new kids in town, and both form bonds w/ the strange boy down the street, Castiel. A coming-of-age fic told from Sam's perspective, this piece is sweet w/out being cloying, and very natural. These are believable boys. Sam and Cas bond over a shared love for The X-Files, and Dean and Cas just plain bond. I especially like seeing their relationship unfold through Sam's eyes. [PG-13]

I Think I Know Where You Belong by twentysomething on Dreamwidth: Castiel wishes he wasn't this excited, but it's the best part of his night when Dean Winchester gets home from baseball practice. This is the most adorable story ever. I want to hug Cas and his not-so-secret crush so damn hard. Such a sweet beginning, and then there are lots of PWP-tastic follow-ups that totally rock. But start w/ this one, and fall into the gentle rhythm of the story. Beginning of the "Shortskirts Verse." [PG]

It's Always the End of the World Somewhere by scaramouche on Dreamwidth: The status quo is this: Dean is the popular captain of the football team, and Castiel is the off-kilter nobody who doesn't so much as breathe the same air as Dean. Then senior year happens and the status quo is shot to smithereens. The Cas here is 2014!Cas, and he's absolutely perfect. This story really captures the immediacy, for lack of a better word, of being a teenager, when feelings are so acute, so extreme. And then to have them dulled by certain substances, like Cas does here, creates a very interesting headspace. There's angst here, but also hope, and thank goodness for that b/c I was totally sucked into this world. [NC-17]

In This Secluded Spot I Respond As I Wouldn't Dare Elsewhere by rhymephile: It's 1995, and Castiel's high school years are destined to be difficult: home-schooled until eighth grade, he is awkward, shy, and socially inept. The weird kid with the funny name would rather isolate himself and draw in his sketchbook than deal with the constant bullying he faces every day. Things only get worse in his junior year when he excels in home economics class, leading the captain of the baseball team, Alastair, to start taunting him for being gay.
Then new student Dean Winchester arrives at Flour Bluff High School, sharing many of Castiel's classes. Castiel has seen his type before -- handsome, athletic, arrogant, and sure to be the most popular kid in school. But Castiel eventually learns that he and Dean have more in common than he thought, and they form an unlikely friendship. This story deals w/ the delicate and timely subject of bullying in a deft and gentle manner, while also portraying a sweet coming-of-age tale for Cas (and Dean). There aren't easy answers, but there are hopeful ones. [PG-13]

300 Things by cautionzombies: Dean's life at twenty-four makes him feel like he's forty--he works two jobs to help pay bills for his house and put his genius little brother through private school, and has spent six years (on and off, let's be honest) working on his mechanical engineering degree at KU. With so much of his life devoted to his family, Dean has little time in his schedule for class and no time for social interaction. Then, while getting his classes together for the fall, he finds himself in a do-or-die situation: He must take his last literature class now, his spring already filled with those left for his major...except that none of the English classes will fit his schedule.
This is how Dean grovels and begs Dr. Castiel Milton to make a special arrangement for him, and Dr. Milton does. This fic continuously breaks my heart and heals it again. I love this Dean, Cas and Sam; such strong bonds amongst them. This is one of those stories where you just feel so strongly for the characters you want to dive into the story and tell them to hold on. Okay, it makes me feel extremely emo w/ how invested I am in the Dean/Cas relationship. But I wouldn't want it any other way! (NOW COMPLETED.) [NC-17]

Excerpts from Carver Edlund's Magnum Opus by twentysomething on Dreamwidth: "C'mon, Cas, it's like we're Mulder and Scully, this is totally X-Files," he says expansively, waving a hand around. It makes his tie flap and momentarily obscure the new and distracting belt buckle that just says "LUCKY" in huge, embarrassing reflective script in the early morning light. Castiel just stares blankly at him.
"I don't know what that means," Cas replies. Dean sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose under the bright yellow sunglasses." Yeah, this is totally based on "Bones," one of my favorite shows. And it's awesome. The case is interesting, the domestic interlude w/ Dean's son is ADORABLE, and everyone fits into the Bones-universe so nicely. I especially like Cas here - he's badass, he's in love, he's smart, and he rocks Dean's world. [R]

There Must Be Something That Remains by cassyl: A year after his brother's death, Dean's trying to put the past behind him. But when Castiel shows up at his doorstep, Dean starts to realize that the past isn't quite as buried as he thought. Dean's a conman in the '40s and Cas is the detective investigating Sam's death. Fantastic premise, assured execution. I find myself salivating over the period details. And the UST. And the mystery's no slouch, either. (NOW COMPLETED.) [R]


Rebel, Rebel by rosaline_kells: Dean Winchester has never been a normal high school student. Helping his private detective father out with cases has given him a questionable skill set and a world-weary attitude. Everything goes from bad to worse however when his small town is rocked by murder, and the more Dean tries to find the truth, the more secrets he unearths. If that sounds like a "Veronica Mars" homage, it totally is. This fic nails the noir feel of the best episodes of that show. Huge cast of characters, fully realized, and I can't wait to see where it goes! Dean is epic here. Go read it, leave some love. (9 parts so far, last updated in January.) [R]

Onward to Jensen/Misha:

Under His Skin by cjmarlowe: Jensen wasn't really looking to change his life. He liked his life fine, liked his home and his friends and his hobbies and didn't really feel like he was missing anything. But one look at Professor Misha Collins from across the quad and he decided that didn't mean there wasn't room for something new. One of the first fics I read in SPN fandom, this one stuck w/ me b/c of the poetry. Misha as a lit professor is so very perfect. I really like the sense of him we get through Jensen's eyes. It doesn't hurt that Jensen also likes his hands, heh. All of the little touches of college life really round out the setting. [NC-17]

Dovetail by kriari: Misha Collins is a master craftsman with a corner on the sustainable furnishings market. Jensen Ackles is an ambitious interior designer with an even more ambitious clientele. All he’s after at first is Misha’s signature on an impossible contract. What he gets is so much more. Misha's hands. MISHA'S HANDS!! But b/c this is by kriari, it is so much more -- fully realized characters, an awesome OC, erotic imagery, detailed setting, and lyrical prose. [NC-17]

And I have all the modesty of a sunflower, so here are my own AU's for posterity's sake:

You & Me, Kings of the Summer Realm (turned into the "Summer Realm Verse" w/ several follow-up fics): Jensen/Misha coming-of-age in small-town Texas in the '90s. [PG-R]

A Multi-Panel Love Story: Jensen/Misha, w/ strong Jared friendship and Jensen's a single dad, feel-good rom-com: Jensen's days are spent doting on his son and working on his graphic novel series with his best friend, Jared. Life's cool, but something could make it a whole lot better. Or make that someone. [R]

Words with Friends: Jensen/Misha, w/ strong Jared friendship, another feel-good rom-com: Jensen and Jared run the National Scrabble Association in Greenport, Long Island, which is also home to a Cheese Emporium run by the charming and enigmatic Misha. After dancing around the issue for three years, will words, wine and cheese bring Jensen and Misha together? Does the sun rise in the east? [R]

Dystopia Is for Lovers: Dean/Cas told in four alternating POV's (Ben, Cas, Sam, Dean): Ben Braeden has just moved to California to live with his scientist dad and his schoolteacher uncle after the death of his mother. Things begin to look up for him and his family when he meets the famous sci-fi author, Castiel Novak. [R]

The Awesomes: Dean/Cas domestic/adventure based on Disney/Pixar's The Incredibles: Twenty years after going into hiding, the former Mr. Awesome and Righteous Man are attempting to raise their family in peace and quiet. But peace and quiet does not find them. [R]

J. Alfred Prufrock Grows a Pair: Dean/Cas high school AU, in which Cas is God of the high school and Dean has a huge crush: Dean's a new student and Castiel is God of the high school. They get paired together for an English project and sparks fly. [PG-13]

Backseat Sonnet: Sequel to "Profruck": It was three weeks since they'd come together, and another line was going to be crossed. (Basically, Dean and Cas in the Impala after a lacrosse game.) [NC-17]

A Mighty Dark Night: Dean/Cas, Cop/Homeland Security AU set in DC metro area, 74k words: Detective Dean Winchester meets Homeland Security Agent Castiel James over a corpse. [NC-17]

recs, supernatural, rpf: misha, rpf: jensen, rps, au, spn: dean/castiel

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