Weirdness Abounds! And Goodbye Internet until Sunday Morning!

Nov 23, 2010 13:39

Dudes! Wanted to wish everyone a super duper Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) and just put out general feelings of warmth and affection (if you don't). I'm going to the Internet-free zone called Grandma's House, so after I leave late tonight I shall be incommunicado until Sunday morning. I really don't know how I am going to deal. Hopefully I will be able to write in the hotel room ... w/ my parents. Um. We'll see. I may break down and buy the Internet from the hotel (not staying w/ the grandma as my brother and his family got first dibs).

Anyhow, weirdness. First, my n key isn't really working. I've had to go back and press it again each time it appears. I hope that stops soon. More importatly, though, last night when I was siging off for the ight, my computer went insane in the membrae. MembraNNNNNNe. Fucker. It told me I no longer had a hard drive. What? I was just ... what? I ra shitload of "diagnostics" and other computer termy thigs that I do't know ad just guessed at. It took hours. And guess what? There was nothig wrong w/ my computer. It's workig fine ow. Thanks for that. So then I finally dozed off into fitful sleep ad I was starting this dream on the dock where Cas finds Dean in his dream and I yawned. And my tooth broke. For reals, not in the dream. The dream went away. Again, fucker. So I lost this flake off my tooth (I have bonded front teeth due to flouride stains from when I was a kidlet in New Mexico, and it was a piece of the bonding agent that flaked off, ot my ACTUAL tooth). But it LOOKS like I am missing part of my tooth. It's noticeable!!! Ad there's a sharp edge! Ad they can't take me in to fix it until next Tuesday at 8:15 in the moring. WHAT THE EVER-LOVING FUCK? Who wats to be at work that early? It takes me an hour ad 15 minutes to get to work (dentist is around the block from work). I am not a happy camper. They had no later times for the next few weeks. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here w/ a piece of my tooth gone! Grumble, grumble.

Still, a flaked tooth is the least of our concerns. I should say something I am thankful for: I am thankful for speding time w/ my nieces and brother. I am thankful for sweet potato casserole. I am thankful for the pit bull who lives a building over ad his big hugs and kisses for me on my way to work this morning. I am thankful that I FINALLY have a plot for my Secret Santa fic, and I'm excited to write it. I am thankful for everyone who read this ad didn't commet that I was a whiny loser in the commets.

Hugs and kisses and good food, and I'll see y'all on Suday! W/ my NNNNNNN.

family, flist, doggies

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