Happy Birthday, misswinterhill!!

Oct 30, 2010 15:55

Dudes, it's Jenny-from-the-Block's birthday today! Well, today Australia-time. Tomorrow Blue-time. I made something for her, but first, a few words about the awesomeness that is misswinterhill. Back in the day (the day being 2008), I started lurking in TW fandom and one of the first things I read was Collective Noun: Pride. And I loved it, and subsequently gave a squeal of delight whenever anything else by misswinterhill popped up on a community. And that was only the beginning! Fast forward two years, and she's one of my best buds, and I still squeal w/ delight whenever I get an email from her or see she's posted something! (Pretend that sounded cooler.) Now she's into Merlin, so in honor of her Merlin-osity, I have braved the waters of various places that post about Merlin to create a picspam in her honor (w/ a few guests):

Happy Birthday, Jenny! Love, blue

birthday, flist, pics, jenny = love

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