Red Is My Colour Prompt for Day Thirteen (Part One) - corrected

Jan 14, 2009 20:46

"Jack."  Suzie's voice on the comm link interrupted his recital.  "There's been another body reported at the Swansea Winter Cottages."


"Alright, gang.  What do we know so far?" Jack strode into the boardroom and over to his seat at the head of the table.  Tosh hit a button on her laptop, and images began to fill the room's big screen.

"The first body, a Harmony Meadows of Pine Nut, North Carolina, turned up last Tuesday, hanging from the bar of her room's wardrobe.  The doors and windows were all locked from the inside, and there was no sign of a break-in."

Suzie pointed at the lower right corner of the screen.  "Tosh, can you focus on this mark here?  What is that?"

"I believe it is a tattoo of a cow, Suzie," Tosh replied, glancing up.

Owen curled his lip.  "A cow?  That just makes it too easy."

"Maybe she liked cows, Owen.  Moving on," Tosh flicked to the next crime scene photo. "Body number two belonged to Geoffrey Morgan, long-time accountant for Swansea Winter Cottages.  He was discovered hanging from the bar in a wardrobe, too, though it was the front desk's wardrobe and anyone could have access to it."

Owen squinted at the screen.

Tosh sighed.  "Go ahead and say it, Owen."

"What the fuck happened to his face?"


"Tosh, the man has a pig's snout for a nose!"

"And he always has had.  That is his actual nose," she pointed the clicker at the screen for the third time as Ianto entered the boardroom, carrying a tray of coffee and biscuits.  Jack's eyes followed him around the table as Tosh explained the circumstances behind the third body, a tourist by the name of Maude Jenkins from Darwin, Australia.  She, too, had been found hanging from the bar in her room's wardrobe, with all of the doors and windows sealed from the inside.

"And this morning, our fourth victim," Tosh continued, and Jack snapped his head around to pay attention once more, "a Mikhail Gavorchin, another employee of the Winter Cottages, was found hanging from the bar of a wardrobe in the stables.  Anyone could have had access.  So thus far, the only thing all four victims have in common is that they were all small enough to fit into their wardrobes."

Tosh sat back in her seat and looked at Suzie.

Suzie cleared her throat.  "Right.  So what does this have to do with us?  Do you recall last Monday, around 7:00 in the morning, we got that strange signature from the Rift?"

"No," Owen answered.  "Why on earth would I remember something from 7:00 in the morning?"

"It was a Xenthorian cruise ship who got off course."  Everyone swung their heads around to regard Ianto, who looked back with a bland expression.  "It was my first day of work," he said by way of explanation, leaning against the back wall.

"Arse kisser," Owen mumbled under his breath.

"Oh, I wish!" Jack waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"At any rate," Tosh picked up the narrative as if none of the men had spoken a word.  "It looks like they inadvertently left something behind.  The signature is still there, but more like an echo, and it's hovering above Swansea Winter Cottages."

"Excellent sleuthing, Tosh!" Jack exclaimed, leaning forward and rubbing his hands enthusiastically.  "You know what this means, don't you?"

Everyone looked at him expectantly.  Well, Suzie and Tosh did.  Ianto was looking at him without appearing to be looking at him, and Owen was examining the contents of his coffee cup.

"We're going on holiday!" Jack grinned like an over-excited puppy.  "Well, at least Suzie and Owen are.  Tosh, you and I are going to be a bit more stealthy about this."  He pointed to Suzie and Owen.  "You two check into the Winter Cottages, posing as tourists.  Get some readings, interview the staff and guests as surreptitiously as you can and report back to me and Tosh."  He turned to Tosh.  "Tosh, you and I are going to do some reconnaissance.  The Xenthorians are nomadic people.  If they've left a pet or such behind, chances are it will be more comfortable residing in the woods around the cottages than inside.  Regardless, we need more information."  He stood up abruptly.  "Okay kids.  Let's get ready."

Tosh rose to her feet slowly, a little disappointed not to be going on holiday with Owen, though Suzie was better at the undercover work.  Owen, for his part, looked gleeful.  Suzie looked like she was already assessing various plans and back-up plans.

"Ianto!" Jack called, as Ianto turned to follow the other three out the door.  "You'll be manning the Hub while we're gone.  Think you can handle it?"

"Certainly, Sir.  I will have the pterodactyl to keep me company, after all."

Jack grinned, and moved closer to him.  “I could use your help stocking the SUV.”  He gave an exaggerated wink.

“Sir, sometimes I do wonder at your sanity.”


Jack pulled up to the Swansea Winter Cottages a couple of hours later.  Suzie and Owen tumbled out of the backseat, and Owen wrestled three pieces of matched luggage from the boot.

“Remember, gang, continual updates,” Jack said quietly.

“Good luck,” Tosh whispered.

“Aye, aye cap’n,” Suzie replied, hoisting one of the bags over her shoulder and grabbing another.  She marched off to rental office, Owen trailing her, pulling the tiny wheeled suitcase behind him.

The reception lobby of Swansea Winter Cottages was festively decorated for the holiday season.  Little gold balls hung in clusters from various hooks in the ceiling.  Three paintings hung on the walls, all winter snowy landscapes.  A cheerful fire roared in the fireplace, and a tastefully lit Christmas tree took place of pride in the front window.  The concierge bore more than a passing resemblance to one Santa Claus.  Owen visibly started when he saw the man, causing Suzie to shake with silent laughter as they stood in the queue at the desk.

“Yeah, my girlfriend grew up in this area, and she said she always wanted to stay at the Swansea Winter Cottages for a cozy weekend away.  Thought it would be a nice surprise for her,” the man in front of them explained to the Santa clone.

“Certainly, certainly, let me get some gift certificates from the back; I’m all out up here,” Santa smiled jovially, and addressed Suzie and Owen:  “I’ll be right with you, sir and madam.”

He ducked behind a beaded curtain similar to the one at the Hub, and their fellow customer turned to smile affably at them.  “Quite romantic here, yeah?”

Suzie gave him an obviously fake smile, and Owen gave him a grimace that no one could really mistake for a smile.  The man turned quickly back to the desk when Santa came back out, carrying a small box.

“Here they are, Mr.  Williams!  We’ll get you set in no time.”

Mr. Williams quickly made his reservation, and left with a smile for Santa and an askance glance for Suzie and Owen.

Suzie approached the desk with a much better approximation of a friendly smile, pulling Owen along with her.  “Hi, there.  We have a reservation for the weekend, under Charles.”

Santa consulted his book.  “Mrs. Nora Charles?”

“It’s ‘Doctor,’ actually.”

“Alright, then, Dr. Nora Charles and Mr. Nick Charles.”

“Actually -” Owen started, then stopped as Suzie deliberately stepped on his foot.  “Yeah, that’s me.  Nick Charles.  I really love my wife.”

Suzie did an impression of a flirty laugh.  Owen stared at her incredulously.  Suzie widened her eyes slightly at him, and shook her head.  Owen had no idea what she was trying to convey.

“So, Mr. Concierge - my I call you Leslie?” Suzie asked shyly.  Owen almost choked.  Suzie gave an imperceptible nod in the direction of Santa, and Owen finally saw his nametag, half-hidden by his beard.  Leslie.

Leslie beamed at her.  “Of course, my dear!”

“Nick here is such a fan of horses.  He is just dying to check out your stables!  Would it be possible to arrange to borrow a couple of the horses for a little ride?”  Suzie attempted to flash a dimple.  She got pretty close; close enough for Leslie, at least.

“That would be lovely.  You’ll have to enter the stable from the East door, we’re doing some renovations at the main door.”

Owen had to stop himself from raising his brows at that.  Renovations, his arse.

Leslie handed over their keys.  “You’re cottage number 6.  Turn left out the lobby.  Here’s some information on the area and a map of the property.  You go to the stables, you ask for Sergei.”

Suzie smiled gaily and thanked him profusely.  Owen rolled his eyes, reclaimed one of the larger suitcases, and herded her out the door.

The minute they were out of sight, she dropped the smile and rounded on Owen.  “What the hell was that back there?”

“Me?  You were the one getting all chummy with dear old Leslie!”

“Owen, what part of ‘undercover’ do you not understand?  We are here as a husband and wife, enjoying a mini-break.  You have got to try to play the part!”

“Yes, dear,” Owen grumped snidely.  The luggage was really heavy, pulling his arm.  Suzie had packed this bag herself, and it contained myriad devices for measuring Rift activity, some scientific instruments, and guns.

Their cabin was where the unfortunate Harmony Meadows had met her fate.  Ianto had arranged it when he made the reservation for them.

Suzie called Jack and Tosh to check in while Owen set about unpacking some of the equipment.  They decided to break up the tasks.  Suzie would look around their room for any indications of what had killed Ms. Meadows, and Owen would check out the stables.

“Meet back here in two hours,” Suzie said firmly.  “And remember to be friendly if you come across anyone!  Try to get some information out of them.”

Owen gave her a mock salute, and set off for the stables.  Suzie rolled her eyes at his retreating back, then turned to face the interior of the cabin with her hands on her hips.  There was a lot of work to be done.


Meanwhile, Jack and Tosh were having a grand old time traipsing through the woods.  They had a thermos of coffee Ianto had packed for them and biscuits in their pockets.  They had come across no deserters from the Xenthorian cruise ship.  Indeed, the only things they had come across were a dingy rubber shoe, size 13, and a bunch of used condoms.  Jack had made a joke or three about those.

Owen and Suzie checked in again.  Owen was back at their cottage this time, and Suzie was out interviewing guests under the guise of having had a row with her husband and needing someone to talk to.  Neither of them had found anything unusual (“Which is in itself unusual,” Suzie had stated.  Sometimes Suzie’s logic made Tosh’s head hurt).

Tosh was just about to suggest that they head back to the SUV, when a violet streak of light whizzed right by them, heading further into the woods.  They took off in hot pursuit.  The light dodged around trees and over rocks, and generally behaved like a solid object.  Tosh was getting a stitch in her side by the time it slowed, hovering above a little brook that cut through the woods.  Jack motioned to her that he was going to circle around.  Tosh nodded, clutching her PDA and trying to do a scan of the light without being noticed.  Jack crept slowly through the trees, but the light didn’t seem to notice him.  He held a portable cell in his hand, but before he could figure out a way to trap the light, it suddenly darted forward to hover over his head.  Tosh gasped in horror as Jack was suffused with violet light.  She only managed one step forward before the light appeared to dissipate and Jack fell to the ground like a stunned ox.  Deep in the woods, the violet light flashed again before Tosh lost sight of it.

She ran to Jack, and carefully checked for a pulse, jumping when he spoke to her in a weak voice.

“Tosh.  I do believe I am paralyzed.”

“Jack!  Thank God you’re alive!”

“Yes, that’s quite wonderful.  Were you able to scan that thing?”

“Yes!”  Tosh fumbled with her PDA.  “I’m going to send the information to Ianto and have him run it through the mainframe at the Hub.  Hopefully it will hit on something to help us!”

“Good work, Tosh!”

Tosh smiled at him, and looked down at the machine.  “Okay, Ianto has it now.  He’s running the scan.  I’ll contact the others.”

If Jack could have nodded, he would have.  And as Tosh futilely tried for the next five minutes to raise either Suzie or Owen on their comms, he would have frowned in consternation if he could have.
Part two:

tw: ianto, tw: suzie, tw: jack, tw: owen, red is my colour, tw: tosh, tw: team, fic, torchwood

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