MEME: What's in my purse? I don't know!

Aug 23, 2010 17:54

Ganked from everyone on my flist and their mothers! Still on vacation w/ spotty internet, but who am I to pass up a pic-meme?

This is actually an old purse, but I keep switching purses when one gets too full of junk. Heh. Also, I only buy purses made w/ no animal by-products, and the non-leather purses take a beating and ... look bad.

And the contents! Woo hoo! It's raining and I'm on vacation, so am missing my sunglasses and my work keys and all those doohickeys on the keychain for discounts at grocery stores and pet food stores. (Also, all my receipts and feminine hygiene products are in the zipper section, and I didn't take those out. Use your imagination. And my photo ID for work, I did not include.)

- 2 packs of Orbit gum (raspberry mint and sangria fresca)
- 1 emergency Alba brand chapstick
- metro card (SmarTrip card -- I live and work in DC area)
- pen
- pack of kleenex
- house keys
- wallet (just contains cards)
- change purse (contains cash)
- mints from Mai Thai (favorite restaurant for lunch)
- umbrella
- glasses cleaner and cloth
- stain remover
- my niece's bracelet
- scrap of paper w/ my brother's shirt measurements
- bug-be-gone stuff
- save-the-date card for my co-worker's October wedding
- ticket from Ben & Jerry's Factory tour
- anti-bacterial hand stuff

So! What junk do you cart around? (And wow, my purse is seldom so clean! I want to try to keep it this way...)

meme, flist, pics

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