Shallow Poll of Attractiveness-osity: Results of Day Eight!

Aug 12, 2010 18:36

It had to happen, y'all. Today we say goodbye to GARETH DAVID-LLOYD, portrayer of the beloved (and deceased) Ianto Jones on Torchwood. Gareth. Hmmm. What to say about GDL? Well, before Ianto reached out his hands to pull Jack into a smoking hot kiss, I had never felt any desire to get involved in a fandom online. I had lurked around the edges of Alias back in the day, but never dipped my toe into trying to create anything in the universe of a show or movie. Dudes, I'd be telling my stories only in my own head if Gareth didn't have a button nose or twinkly blue eyes or that accent or dry delivery or those suits. So, thanks for Ianto, GDL!

And outside of TW, we get stubble and adorable little beer bellies and profanity and sweating and music. Raise your hand if you love the way GDL says "thrusts" in that poem/song thingy on Blue Gillespie's second effort. I'm raising both my hands for you. Let's have some pics, shall we?

My three favorite "filming w/ JB" pics. I love waistcoats now. That's all on GDL!

It is impossible to choose my favorite GDL-as-Ianto pics. IMPOSSIBLE. Here are two that would make the list.

GDL w/ one of his doggies (awww), humoring us all by wearing wings (awwww), and singing in the blue light.

And the world continues spinning w/ more voting!

I have to say, I was a little surprised that the Top Four were actually my personal Top Four. Sweet! All twelve of them are very beautiful and my favorites, though! Okay, today our themes are "laughing" and "funky weird photography/light things." To be technical about it.

Jensen Ackles

Misha Collins

Grace Park

Sendhil Ramamurthy

And onto the poll! Vote early and often! Or, well, once.

Poll Shallow Poll of Attractiveness-osity

meme, pics

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