Doo Dee Doo!

Jun 28, 2010 21:15

Oh, mylanta, I have nothing to report! Nothing! I cannot write! I have started two different fics for my Schmoop Bingo Card. And, yeah, they're just sitting there, unfinished and bereft. I managed to get some plotty crap done on my SPN AU, but geez, I am failing on the writing front lately. Inspiration, strike me down!

Wow, this post is very pointless. I shall make it up to you w/ cupcakes!

First, totally random, where-in-the-US-have-I-been:

visited 32 states (64%)
Create your own visited map of The United States
Okay, middle of the country! I think I smell road trip! B/c that's just sad.

ETA: Where in the world has blue been? (I need to visit Africa and Australia. It is imperative!

visited 23 states (10.2%)
Create your own visited map of The World

Have I mentioned that I love my new camera? B/c I do! Aerial view (ha) of a dark chocolate raspberry vegan cupcake.

Look at the texture! I love this camera!

And b/c I have a cold and infected nose ring and feel on the gross side, here's something that always makes me happy, happy, joy, joy!

Misha is thinking about how awesome he is, and how much he wants to give me huggles and make me feel better. If he concentrates hard enough, he can will himself to my house! It's one of his super powers.

Ten bonus points if you recognize this quote: "Cross my heart, smack me dead, stick a lobster on my head!"

(My pardons, todos. I'm blaming the Nyquil.)

writing, misha is a wild and crazy guy, pics

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