PICs: New Camera!! [warning for being a little drunk, but not much]

Jun 20, 2010 19:39

I got a new camera for my birthday!!! It is awasome, andfa not just b/c i'm fdrunkisssss. Um. Try that again. It is awesome, and not just b/c I've been imbibing. (For those who are curious, I'm watching "The Good GUys" right now, wiched funny, uh, wicked funny, and the guest stars are Alistair and the Whore of Babylon from SPN. I find this show very funny. I don't know if anyone else will, but it cracks my shit up.) But that's not what I'm posting bout! No! I got a new camera and I likey! It's got functions for taking pics of animals and food! So I tried it!

i just poked myslef in the face w/ my straw. I have only had the one drink. It must be especially potent. I will come down off this cloud in, i am guessing, one hour! which, damn, i have to call my dad before then. He will get an esoecially happy to hear from him blue tonight. /happy Father's Day! Maybe I'll come back and fix the ypos when i'm down.

This is Milo snoozing!! Sweet old man!

Hello, Willow! I love you!!!!

Piper! I had to put the camera on the carpet and lean over my chair to take htis pic. this was before the Smirnoogf, ogviously. please to be ignoring the dog hair on the carpet. It's hard to reach there w/ the vacuum!

I made crab cakes for dinner! they were sooooooo gooooooood! I made lump crab cakes, not the maryland kind, b/c the maryland kind puts in lost of carp that you don't need foe crab cakes. It distracts from the taste of the crab, whisch is awesome so why would you do that? I ask you Marlynad, why!??

Mah feet! I have the nickname Banana in Pajamas, and today i ma wearing pajamas. Banana in Pajamas asas a cartoon at some oint, i belive, hence the nickname. B/c i am called "Banana" by some people. Bad people who don't care that i don't like bananans!!! That's mean. But my dad started it, so I can' not like being called Banana. I like blue better. blue's nice.

M's still on the phone. the show not done. i have a bit to go to sober up! I love everybody today. And blueberries. And ice craem. And ,Misha Collins. And this showe that i'm watching, it's called "Good Guys" and it takes place in Dallas and Coling Hanks makes the perfect strainght guy to Bradley Whitford acting bonkers. Bye!

willow, animals, cooking, pics, doggies

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